Sep 18, 2015Become the Legendary


Welcome to Midgard and the Clash for Dawn. Follow along in the below tale to help give you a jump start to writing your legendary history.


Select a character to enter the world of Midgard. Choose from four major classes on the right, and select a specialization on the left (see CHARACTER EVOLUTION below to see how choosing a specialization will affect your character):

* Warrior: Berserker or Guardian
* Mage: Fire Whisperer or Ice Whisperer
* Archer: Ranger or Sharp Shooter
* Priest: Shaman or Judge

Choose their name by tapping on the character name and entering a name or tapping the dice to create a random name.

Tap PLAY to begin writing your legacy!


There are two opposing Factions to choose from: The Brotherhood and The Order. Each have their own method to eradicate the darkness, leading to a conflict waged in the Faction vs Faction battlefield.

Your character can join a faction at Lvl.20.

Earn Reputation points to increase your character's rank in a Faction. The Top 20 players in each Faction will receive special titles for their character including Knight, Chancellor, Viceroy and Grand Master!

To earn reputation, do the following:

1. Kill a player of the opposing Faction who is within 10 levels of your character's level (10 Reputation per kill)
2. Earn a Faction Badge (50 reputation per Badge). Earn badges by playing:
    a. Faction Quests
    b. Demon Raids



1. Create a guild by tapping "Create Guild" in the Social tab
2. Your character must not be in any guild to create a guild.


Guild Meeting Token: Used to summon all guild members to a designated place
* Rite: Participate to increase your own Honor and your guild's XP
* Honor: The points for guilds, used to increase your guild's skill levels
* Requests: The Guild Master and the Vice Guild Master can view, accept, or decline requests to join their guild here.
* Camp: The "Camp" button in the guild page teleports the member to the guild camp.


To view your character's stats, tap on their face in the top right of the screen while in town. Swipe to the left over the stats page to see additional stats.

In this screen, some key stats shown are:
* Name: Your character's name.
  To change your character's name, tap on the pencil icon on the right and pay 999 Gems.
* Lvl.: The current Level of your character
* Class: The class of your character
* Score: The battle score of your character. A higher score means a stronger character
* Guild: The name of the guild your character is in
* Faction: The name of the faction your character is in


Evolve your character to become more powerful and achieve greatness. Each character type can branch into different specializations (remember when you chose them at the beginning of the game?).

These are the key specializations for when your character's class branches to help you choose the path that is right for you:


* Berserker: Wields a giant sword. Can deal huge points of damage in the battlefield. High Attack DPS
* Guardian: Wields and epic cleaver. Is a great defender who can protect teammate. High Defense Tank


* Fire Whisperer: Wields Fire magic. Excels at dealing massive damage instantly and more damage over time using fire magic. High Attack Magic
* Ice Whisperer: Wields Ice magic. Expert of controlling enemies by using frost magic. Use icon magic to control and attack


* Ranger: Wields a bow and arrow. A great defender who can protect teammates at a distance. Long Distance Attack
* Sharp Shooter: Wields a bow and arrow. Attacks faster than Ranger and can also place traps. Fast Attack Speed


* Shaman: Wield healing magic. Better at surviving and supporting allies than Judge. High HP Heal
* Judge: Wields general magic. Deals more powerful damage than Shaman. Control attack


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